Helpusadopt.org gratefully acknowledges the caring companies, families, and individuals who donate to Helpusadopt.org's Annual Fund. We also want to thank all of our event sponsors and attendees, and supporters who purchased jewelry and totes from the bottom of our hearts. Know that you are all making a difference.
2018 Donors
Founders' Circle
The Tsunami Foundation - Deb and Anson M. Beard Jr. and Family
$20,000 - $24,999
Patty Comeford
Catherine and Mark Duimstra
King & Spalding
The Lily Foundation
NBC Universal
Lara Zibners Lohr and Gernot Lohr
$10,000 - $19,999
Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Cindy Chua and Eric Lee
Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton LLP
Jackie Cohen
Lisa and Paul Davis
Becky and Kipp Fawcett
Annie and Adam Hill
Glenn Hill and Peter Rider
Joseph Hill
In Memory of Corrine L. Jagde
Iris and Saul Katz Family Foundation
Laura and Anthony Klarman
Anissa and Rob Klein
Sarah and Brad Marshall
Sarah Marie Martin and Nick Brophy
Jennifer and Michael Miller
Martha and Peter Morse
Renee Morse
Julie and Guy Pedelini
Reed Smith LLP
Karen and Marc Sperber
$5,000 - $9, 999
A Baby Step Adoption
Susan and James Anderson
Veronica and Anson Beard
Anna and Mason Bendewald
Beneficial Bank
Barbara Burns
CJM Wealth Managment
Vicki and David Craver
Tom Crowley
Connie and Brian Demkowicz
Amanda and Samuel Descovich
Melissa Dworanczyk
The Greenhut Family Charitable Foundation
The Hannah and Paul Burstein Charitable Fund
Jill Henry
The Herbert Bearman Foundation
Beth and David Javdan
Chris Kofol and Mow Wong
KVO Collections
Lisa and Keith Lavitt
Leibowitz and Greenway Family Foundation
Littler Mendelson, P.C.
M & T Bank
Douglas Meyer
Miller Bros.
Margaret Anne and James Nolen
Nuveen Investments Holdings
Cindi and Greg Odle
Martha and John Odle
Connie Anne Phillips and Jeremiah Harris
Pippa and Brian Riley
Katherine and Carlos Rosa
Ross Strent & Company, LLP
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Emily and Joe Summers
Super Enterprises
Triple Threat Productions
Ashley and Tobin Whamond
William C. and Joyce C. O'Neil Charitable Trust
Brigid and Rich Zeoli
Barbara and Todd Albert
James and Tracey Anisi
Fig Annunziato
Suzanne Bachner and Bob Brader
Paul Bartony
Andrea and Andrew Bast
Laurie and Lawrence Beller
Carol Blank Barsh and Horace Barsh
Blank Rome
Kristy and Christopher Boies
Mary Ann and Jeff Bond
Carie Brescia
Bryn Mawr Trust
Noelle Burg
Katherine and Michael Bushey
Alison Butler
Joe Caparella
Barbara Casey
Ariana and Michael Chiaravalloti
John Christmas
Marie and Craig Chobor
Jeanie Clark
Bryan Cohen
Mae and Brad Colman
Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine
Lizbeth Conboy
Tara and Anthony Coniglio
Conservest Capital Advisors
Cook Maran & Associates Inc.
Johnny Cooper and John Coleman
Paul Crimmins
Margaret Crotty
Jennifer Daly
Elizabeth and Dan DiDomenico
Maureen and Nathan Doron
Michelle and Eugene Dubay
Brenda and Henry Duimstra
Nicole and Nathan Eldridge
Elephant Rock Foundation
The Elite Group
Patricia and Robert Ernst
Martha and Frederick Fawcett
Feldstein Family Charitable Foundation
Liz and Paul Finley
Marc Fisher
The Fort Group Inc.
Tara and David Friedman
$1,000 - $4,999
Lily Frost
Cara and Scott Fudemberg
Nancy and David Gansky
Gina and Matthew Genesio
Marilynn and Anthony Genesio
Gladney Center for Adoption
Deborah and Dennis Glass
Lisa Glassner
Adam Goodman
Kimberly and Andrew Gonzales
Kelly and Sean Grieve
Petek Gunay and Nikolaos Balastas
Kristin Haines
David Haire
Jennifer Harrison
Fran and Frank Hauser
Lousie and Kenneth Hess
Kim and Greg Heuer
Timothy Hinspeter
Colleen Hittle and Tadas Viskanta
Amy Ho
Todd Holleman
Independence Blue Cross
Amy Jerrehian
Christina and Kevin Johnson
Shnieka Johnson and Geoff Young
Brian Jozwiak
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Katherine and John Karamatsoukas
Jennifer Keating
Mary Kent
Rachel and John King
Jamie and Shaun Kolnick
Amy and John Korman
Arlene Lavitt
Maureen and Michael Lee
Lincoln Financial Group
Julie Lorber and Scott Saperstein
Brendan Lynch
John Lyons
Jennifer Maitland
Rachel and Mark Makepeace
Elias Manolis
Sharon and Jeremy Matz
Sandra and James Merli
Lara and Corey Metz
Britt Miller
Kendra and Marty Miller
Annie Milligan
Ellen and Ira Mirochnick
Sue and Euse Mita
Susan Moore
Bethanie and Jason Muchler
My Story Fine Jewelry
Megan and Paul Nolen
Rhoda and Sam Nussbaum
Liad and David Pernock
Viq Pervaaz
Susan and Brent Podlogar
Kelly and Chad Punchard
Lara Qubain
Kathleen and Christopher Rees
Jonathan Rivera
Riverhead Building Supply
The Safegard Group
Jeremy Sample
Meredith Sanandres
Angela and Tim Sipe
Jade and Will Sirignano
Margaret Skawinski
Donna and Jerry Slipakoff
Cooper Smith and Todd Koch
Ann and Martin A. Snyder
Nicholas Snyder
Nicole and Curtis Snyder
Janice Spector and George Buchalter
Linda and Dennis Stillwell
Ileana and Adam Stone
Laura and Blaine Strausser
Brooke Stroebele and Jeffrey Gould
The Timber Lake Foundation
Tompkins-Broll Family Foundation
Dana and Greg Trinks
Trion Group
Deborah Tye
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mia and Frank Wesner
Robin and Tom Westle
Matthew Widham
Linda Yarden and Chris Smith
Janine and Jeff Yass
Sharon and Harold Yoh, III
Chris Abbate
Raghan Abouasaleh
Sharon Ahmann
Chris Anderson
Rebecca and Joseph Anthony
Jill and Paul Aschkensay
Madeline and Daniel Ballen
Hillary and Andrew Beckman
Emily and Eric Bell
Charlotte and Daniel Ben-David
Bernadette Bohn
Ann T. Brown and Joy Earl Brown, Jr.
Maripeg Bruder
Lisa and Bill Boncosky
Lily Bueno-Gatell
Elaine and Jack Carr
May and John Carr
Lori and Roy Carriker
Mary Claire Chase
Janet Choi
Julie Cohen and Matt Pittinsky
Arlene and Eduardo Cruz
Maureen Daley Wieland
Nicole and Joe DeSantis
Teddy Desloge
Francine Disla-Freise and Dan Freise
Rebecca Dixon
Geraldine Dworanczyk
Patricia and Ronald Epps
Joel Fagin
Loretta Fagin
John Falvey
Chris Faricelli
Alise and Jim Ferency
Karen and Mitchell Feuer
Randi Fisher
Tara Flowers
Dara Frey
Annette and John Fudemberg
Andrea Gamber and Tom Rodenhiser
Cara Gentile
Eileen and Malcolm George
Nithya George and Sonny Thadani
Leigh and Jared Gerstenblatt
Angela Giampolo, Esq.
Lawrie and Michael Givner
$500 - $999
Jessica and Billy Goldberg
Laurie and Jonathan Goldheim
Aaron Goldman
Dawn Goldstein
Melissa Goldstein
Marie and Kenneth Gould
Sara and Michael Gubenko
Janine Gutman
Lauren Hart and Todd Carmichael
Kathleen Heaslip Boyle
Tyler Hechler
Janet and Robert Helman
Teryvette Ibanez
Amy Imber
Jackie and Aram Jerrehian
Renee Jonat
Jeffrey Kaveney
Ann and Jack Kelly
Mary Kenzie
James Kerr
Rachel Koenig
Michelle and Jason Lavitt
Connie and David Lees
Jenni Leong
Jill and David Light
Kerstin Lindquist and Daniel Allemeier
Keithe Lockhart
Laurie Loevner
Sara and Joseph Lukens
Loris and Kory Lunsford
Kate Makowka
Stacey and Daniel Maman
Andrea Martin and James Gumina
Cecilia Martorell
David Matus
Jack McKay
Maggie and Zach McWilliams
Rebecca Mendel
Jenny Mollet
Mommy's Angels Adoption Support Group
Meeghan and Kevin Mullin
Amal and Sam Musallam
Gina and Wil Naylor
Tiffany and Michael Neiman
Suzanne Nichols
John Noell
Louise and Jim Nolen
Erin O'Hearn and Sal Paone
Patrick O'Hearn
Melissa Obetz
Denise Ott and Sergio Martinez
Kristin and Richard Page
Priscilla Bradshaw Page
John Pagnotta
Vincent Pelosi
Eve and Leo Pierce
Caryn Pierre
John Porter
Lauren Ramsby
Jackie and Jamie Rantanen
Cheryl and Kevin Roller
Betsy and Barry Rorer
Eileen Rosenau
Hyla and David Rosenberg
Julie and Andrew Rubinstein
Shannon Russo-Pollack
Elizabeth and Kyle Salata
Lesley and Ralph Salo
Allison and Vaughn Schill
Rai Schwarz and Bonnie Lorins
Jamie and Lyndon Sentz
Shannan Simmons
Traci and Jonathan Simpson
Tammy and David Slomovic
Courtney Smith and Stephen Wiesmore
Sherrie and Eddie Soleymani
Lisa Stasse
Jonathan Stillman
Amy and Larry Swiger
Ruth and Brian Tart
Brianna Thomas
Kara Thorton
Tylis Family Foundation
Amy and Jon Van Gorp
Connor Wade
Dan Welch
Erica Werber
Stacey Widlitz
Kim Wilkisson
Lore and Andrew Yao
Kevin Yoder and Harvey Hurdle
Elizabeth Anthony
Susan and John Atkinson
Amy and Rick Atlas
Robert Austin
Kathleen and Dennis Bakos
Steven Baranowski
Jane and Timothy Bard
John Bauer
Joan and Steve Belkin
Dayna Benn
Keith and Ellen Berger
Brian Blake
Lauryn and Sean Blank
Jennifer Bliss
David Blum and Mark Woodland
Stacey and Michael Brand
Lisa and Andrew Brandt
Lauren Braun Costello
Kathy Ann Brodsky, LCSW
Ariel Bronstein
Heidi Bruegel Cox
Christina Burke
Maria and Bill Calderaro
Marcella Canfarotta and Thomas Russo
Lee Cannon
Jeanine Castagna Attorney at Law
Veronica Catanzaro
Susan and Cummins Catherwood
Maxine Chalker
Christ Lutheran of Alamo Heights
Kate Cinella Tylis
Jake Cohen
Will Collyer
Eileen and Bill Conaghan
Martin Connolly
Martin Conroy
Sarah Corstange
Robin Dagostino
Kelly and Mike Daly
Annabelle de Araujo
Kelly Dempsey, Esq.
Kayla Desjardins
Marni and Jeremy Deutsch
Elizabeth Dexter
Christopher and Kathy Dezzi
Jackie Diamond
Melissa Dietz
Anna Dimenna
Denise DiSimone
John Donnelly
Claire Donohue
Elizabeth Dranoff
Andrew Dworanczyk
Amy and Joel Eads
Emily Einhorn
Barbara Elberger
Tim Elder
Kelly Ellison
Stephanie Erceg
Thomas Eschmann
Brian Esser
Eye of The Needle
Christian Fabian
Christina Fairchild Kardon
Mary and Joe Fenkel
Katie and Mike Fitzgerald
Candice Fletcher-Pacheco
Virginia Frank
Barbara Ann Freedgood, LCSW
Ellen and Rob Fullerton
Virginia Funk
Christina and Lance Funston
Aimee and William Gallagher
Lisa Gallo
Tiffany Gallo and Taylor Breed
Colleen and Gregg Gentile
Marie Givner, MSW
Amy and Adam Glasofer
$250 - $499
Lindsey Glen
Joyce and Allan Goldberg
Kimberly and David Goldban
Anne Gray
Cliff Greenberg
James Marlowe Greenberg, Esq.
Karen Grotberg
Kathy and Jon Grover
Ziad Hammodi
Kristen and Rick Hartz
Sayra Havranek
Alexis and Wayne Heilala
Sue and Bruce Hepke
Geoffrey Hill
Marjorie and Jeffrey Honickman
Gail and Jim Howard
Cindy Huang
Janice Huff Dowdy
Siobhan Hummel
Joanna Ivey
Jessica Jacobs
Mindy and Jay Jacobs
Debra Jaques
John Jenkins
Geo Karapetyan
Whitney and Roddy Kellett
Patricia and Phillip Kimball
Megan King
Jennifer Kish
Eric Klein
Nicole Klein
Maureen and John Kolada
Alison Korman Feldman and Marc Feldman
Amy Knepper
Kathleen Knox
Jackie Krese and Nef Rodriguez
LeeAnn and Andrew Kress
Sriram Krishnamurthy
Margot Krismer
Richard Krulik
Mari Kuraishi and Dennis Whittle
Karen and Jim Lehrburger
Deborah and Marc Levine
Linda Lewis
Lauren and Paul Lipowicz
Jon Litle
Celeste Liversidge
Mildred and Tim Long
Ann Daniel Louden
Catherine Lowe
Brennan Lowery
Elizabeth and Scott MacGaw
Celeste and Peter Madden
Alex Madrid
Mauricio Magana
Monica and Jonathan Mandell
Ellen and Thomas Mann
Mary Sue and Mark Mansfield
Liz and Francois Marquis
Virginia Matthews
Kirsten McCoy
Susan and Michael McDermott
Stephanie and Jay McDonald
Michelle McDowell
Kaye H. McLeod
Erin McMurtrey
Constance and John McNamara
Mark Melson
Bruce Meltzer
Rachel and Harry Miller
Zubair Mohamed
Meldie Moore
Nicole Moore
Kristin and Doug Monty
Elizabeth and Michael Morrell
Siobhan Morrissey
Debra Moshinski, Esq.
Sherry Virginia Neal, J.D.
Tara and William Nick
The Oliva Family Charitable Fund
Talia Oren
Chris Ongsueng
Tiffany Palmer, Esq.
Carol Parnell
Tejal and Kepal Patel
Rebecca Paul and James Bentley
Cheryl Payne
Paula Pechin
The Pennsylvania Trust Company
Mary Ellen and Brendan Peppard
Caitlin Phillips
Jan Porter
Julie and Damian Proulx
Elizabeth Raymond
Janna Raskopf
Shannon Reilly
Susan and Drew Reiser
Meredith Rose
Julia and Adam Rosenzweig
Shani Rosenzweig
Liz and Paul Rosica
Caroline and Todd Rothman
Faith Rousso
James Rowley
Elisa and Ross Rubin
Arlene and Ed Ruff
Ginger and John Sabia
Angela Sabol and Thomas Tarka
Richard Salute
Kathleen Sandoski
Camilla and Karthik Sankaran
Michael Saperstein
Ipek and Serkan Savasoglu
Jamie Scher, Esq.
Diana Schimmel Avena
Deb and David Schuette
David Schuyler
Lori Schwartz
Pamela Schwartz
Kimberly and Todd Scott
Jennifer and Robert Shockley
Debbie and Bob Silverman
Robin Sizemore
Traci and Doug Slabach
Paul Slocum
Dawn Smith Pliner
Victoria Soldatovich
Daphna Sokolski
Loretta Speers
Deborah Spivack
Charlotte Steeh
Liz and Robert Stein
Tim Stevens
Michelle Stokes
Susan Storb
Rebecca Straus Farber and Evan Farber
Lara and Joe Sulpizio
Mikayla Summers
Sheeva Talebian
Fran Tepper
Randi Tonik
Totsy Foundation
Amy Twombly
Kara and Steve Udicious
Ginger Vacca
Pilar Vahey
Keith Wallace, Esq.
Geraldine Wallier
Abigail Weinshank
Lois and Harold Weitzner
Erinn and Matt Wiley
Nicole Witt
Gregory Wood
Mark Wurzel
Leslie Zindulka
Gail and Charles Zugerman